Smoke alarm legislation is different in each state of Australia and in New Zealand. Some laws cover installing detectors. While other laws relate to smoke alarm servicing. Regulations can be tough to read.
If you are looking for some simple guides, you might find the following law topics helpful:
Alternatively, click on the buttons below for your local fire authority.
New Queensland Smoke Alarm Legislation*
The new qld smoke detector legislation introduces new requirements for home owners and landlords. A simple list of changes summarisies the new laws as follows:
- Photolelectric alarms only
- Less than 10 years old
- Comply with AS3786:2014
- Interconnected. When one activates they must all activate together
- Hard wired smoke alarms must be replaced by hard wired smoke alarms
- Located in all bedrooms
- Located outside bedrooms eg hallway, living
- On levels with no bedrooms, along an exit path eg stairs
The legislation has been passed into law but is being phased in. So check now whether your dwelling complies.
- 2017 – New constructions and major renovations
- 2022 – Dwellings being sold or leased
- 2027 – All dwellings
Therefore owners looking to sell, landlords and property managers act now to avoid the rush!
*Building Fire Safety (Domestic Smoke Alarms) Legislation Amendment Regulation 2016″. Note – Do not refer to any other sources as there are many examples where documentation, other than the legislation, has been misleading.